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Faculty, Staff and Students

Artificial intelligence is seemingly everywhere.  Visit this website to learn more about Ohio State's recommendations and guidelines for using AI safely and responsibly. 

Approved AI tools

University approved AI tools

Learn to use AI

Resources to  learn about GenAI

Teaching and AI

Use AI in the classroom

Upcoming Events

 Drake Institute AI-Infused Course Design Institute: Spring 2025 Book Club

Join the Drake Institute Spring 2025 Book Club to explore Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson. This discussion will examine AI's impact on teaching, learning, and assessment, offering insights into its potential as a powerful educational tool. Sponsored by the Teaching and Learning with GenAI community, the session will provide strategies for integrating AI effectively in the classroom.

April 1: Chapter 9: Feedback and Roleplaying with AI & Chapter 10: Designing Assignments and Assessments for Human Effort

April 15: Chapter 11: Writing and AI & Chapter 12: AI Assignments and Assessments

Click Here to Register


If you are hosting an AI event that is open to a broad audience, you can request inclusion on this site by sending a message to

University AI Guidance


brain with all synapses firing


University Resources

College of Education and Human Ecology 

The Role of AI in Learning and Development: Understanding ChatGPT – A Quick Reference: introduces you to the power of ChatGPT and how it can help streamline your daily work tasks.

Center for Software Innovation

The Center for Software Innovation offers offers ongoing groups like Weekly Dig Ins and AI Tinkerers Columbus. The center also hosts the annual Construct I/O: The Builder’s Summit developer conference.

Fisher College of Business

Task Force on GenAI: conducted a survey in 2024 during spring semester that asked faculty and students about how they use GenAI usage and their perceptions of the technology.

John Glenn College of Public Affairs 

Artificial Intelligence: Practical Strategies for Practitioners: Offers strategies and resources for educating yourself about AI fundamentals.

Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI)on 

The Data Management team within OTDI has created resources around AI for data analysts at the university. There is also a video on AI functionality in PowerBI and Tableau. Both are in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC), so you must log in to access tehse links.

Robot with text that reads, AI change the world


Recorded Workshops

Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning  

Getting Started with Generative Artificial Intelligence: Considerations and Strategies: provides an overall description of how Copilot  and other AI programs work; strategies for designing instruction with AI; and transparently discussion about AI use in a course and academic integrity.  Visit Drake Institute upcoming events to see upcoming AI workshops.

Office of Technology and Digital Innovation

Cybersecurity Days 2023: Digital Security and Trust leaders discuss the role AI plays in cybersecurity for higher education. (Recorded Oct. 25, 2023)

University Libraries 

Teaching and Learning Workshops: University Libraries offers a variety of recorded webinars as well as in-person workshops on a regular basis. Past AI workshops have included Teaching with AI: Concerns and Opportunities and Artificial Intelligence and Teaching and Information Literacy Concerns and Opportunities.

Researchers looking at Imageomics technology


AI Research

College of Engineering 

Artificially Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Lab (AIMS): AIMS lab brings industry professionals and academia together to study and develop manufacturing systems that work with, and are controlled by, different types of artificial intelligence. 

ICICLE: Intelligent CI With Computational Learning In The Environment 

Democratizing AI: Outlines a study that will build the next generation of Cyberinfrastructure to render Artificial Intelligence (AI) more accessible to everyone and drive its further democratization 

Office of Research 

Advancing Artificial Intelligence: Brief overview of how Ohio State is driving the future of artificial intelligence (AI) research, development and discovery to improve people’s lives today and build a brighter future 

While we have tried to include as many Ohio State AI resources as possible, if you have additional resources that you’d like us to add, contact us at